When was this policy updated for the GDPR?
The privacy policy was updated in October 2017, although the GDPR comes / came into force on 25 May 2018.
How does this policy cover both the Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDPR?
An additional GDPR-friendly "Your rights" section is included with the policy, which should be swapped out in May.
The remainder of the provisions have been drafted with the GDPR in mind, but do not conflict with the pre-GDPR law.
Will this template privacy policy ensure that my website is legal with respect to data protection law?
No - a template can't give you tailored legal advice.
Wherever practicable, you should consider whether you need to take specialist advice on data protection. If your website collects "special categories" of personal information (such as information about a person's health, sexuality or political affiliations), or if your website collects personal information from children or about children, you should always take advice.
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