This pack has been put together with a typical social networking website in mind. Social networking functionality - friendships, groups, discussion boards, private messaging and so on - gives rise to certain legal issues, and these templates will help social network operators deal with those issues. The templates included in the pack are:
- social networking terms and conditions;
- privacy and cookies policy (social networking); and
- website advertising terms and conditions.
The social networking terms and conditions are an adapted version of our "premium" website terms and conditions. They include provisions dealing with issues that are of particular relevance to social networking sites such as user profiles, user accounts and login details, user generated content, social network features and RSS feeds. In addition, they include standard website use provisions covering copyright, licensing and acceptable use.
The privacy and cookies policy (social networking) is an adapted version of our standard privacy and cookies policy, designed to aid compliance with the disclosure requirements of English/EU data protection legislation and cookies laws. Because social networking websites tend to collect and process lots of personal data, having a good privacy policy is important from the point of view of user relations, as well as from a legal perspective.
The website advertising terms and conditions can be used to regulate the relationship between a social network website operator and advertisers.
Note: the documents in this pack are not sufficient for websites that are selling subscriptions or products.