Home > Website legal documents > T&Cs of use for websites
These T&Cs are an adapted version of our subscription website T&Cs. In addition to the clauses in those T&Cs, they incorporate clauses disclaiming liability in relation to health and fitness information.
The T&Cs have three core functions. First, they can help you to manage the risks related to operating a website which publishes health and fitness information. Specifically, with regards to claims made by website users that an injury was caused as a result of guidance published by the website being followed. Second, they can help you to comply with applicable ecommerce law. Third, they establish the legal basis upon which a person may use the website.
NB the risk of claims cannot be completely eradicated, and you should also consider other methods of managing risk, such as trading through limited liability entities and insurance policies.
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Health and fitness website terms and conditions
Subscription website terms and conditions
Training course website terms and conditions
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